Student Loans

Student Loans

Learn the Terms Before You Sign

A federal student loan is money loaned to students by the U.S. Department of Education (ED). As loans have to be repaid, it is important to only borrow what you need and to learn as much as you can about the terms of the loan, including interest rates.

Great information about the different types of student loans is available from Once you have borrowed a loan, you will be assigned a loan servicer. All of the possible loan servicers are listed here.

Federal Loans at Kirkwood

Direct Subsidized Loans are loans made to eligible undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need to help cover the costs of higher education at a college or career school.

The fixed interest rate will depend on when the loan was disbursed. Additionally, a loan origination fee will be applied and deducted from the loan payout.

Direct Unsubsidized Loans are loans made to eligible undergraduate students where eligibility is not based on financial need. The fixed interest rate depends on when the loan was disbursed. Additionally, a loan origination fee will be applied and reduced from the loan payout.

This loan is made to parents of dependent students for their educational expenses. Repayment begins 60 days after the final disbursement; however, parents can request a deferment while the student is enrolled at least half time. As a parent, you will have to log in with your FSA ID and then you can complete the PLUS Loan application. PLUS loans are in the parent's name and the repayment is the parent's responsibility.

In addition to an interest rate, the loans have origination fees. These are deducted before disbursal and is why your amount that is sent to you is slightly less than the amount on your award letter. Get current interest rate and loan fee information.

Apply for a PLUS Loan.

Direct Loan amounts are determined by the number of earned credits at the time of awarding.

  • Students who have earned fewer than 30 credits are awarded a base loan of $3,500, which may be subsidized or unsubsidized depending on need.
  • Students who have earned 30 or more credits are eligible for $4,500.

In addition, dependent students are awarded $2,000 in Unsubsidized loan, and independent students are awarded $6,000. These amounts are subject to previous borrowing limitations and the individual student’s eligibility and financial need. Students are able to accept up to their maximum awarded amount.

If additional credits are earned after the award has been made, and additional loan funds are requested, the Financial Aid Office will evaluate any additional eligibility at the student’s request.

In accordance with federal law, please note that first-time borrowers must be enrolled for 30 days from the start of the term, in addition to completing the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling session, before they are eligible to receive the loan funds. 

Also, the funds will be divided into two disbursements; the first disbursement will be issued after 30 days from the start of the term and will be credited towards tuition first with the remaining funds going to the student. The remaining payment will be issued halfway through the loan period.

For example, if the loan period is for fall only, it will be issued halfway through that term. If the loan period is for fall and spring, the remaining payment will be issued at the beginning of the spring term.

Any tuition debt will be paid first with the remaining funds going to the student. If a student has completed all steps necessary to activate their loan, they can use any remaining balance at the bookstore for course materials.

Calculate Your Student Loan Payments

Loan Counseling

The financial aid advisors at Kirkwood's Financial Aid Office will give you an overview of your federal student loans and repayment options based on current levels of borrowing.

We will provide personalized borrowing history, guidance on future borrowing, current loan servicer contact information, and steps toward repayment to help you manage your current loans.

Schedule a Loan Counseling Session

Deferments & Verification

Kirkwood participates with the National Student Clearinghouse for deferment of student loans. Verification for currently enrolled students is provided to the Clearinghouse three times each term.

A list of participating lenders is available on the National Student Clearinghouse website. Students may view the electronic notifications and deferment forms that have been sent to lenders, servicers and guarantors on the Clearinghouse web site.

The Clearinghouse web site may be accessed through MyHub.

If enrollment needs to be verified at any other time, mail completed deferment forms directly to the National Student Clearinghouse at:

National Student Clearinghouse
13454 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171

The Clearinghouse will complete the certification section and forward the deferment form to the lender.

Deferments for lenders who are not members of the National Student Clearinghouse should be brought to the Financial Aid office. The deferments will be processed and mailed to the appropriate address. 

Commercial User Inquiries
If you have a question or need assistance regarding a degree or enrollment verification, please contact the National Student Clearinghouse at:
Phone: 703-742-4200
Fax: 703-742-4239 
Degree Verification Email:
Enrollment Verification:

Verification of Enrollment for Students
Student self-service enrollment verifications are available on the National Student Clearinghouse website, which can be accessed through the secure MyHub for students site. From MyHub, you can print a certificate of enrollment that can be forwarded to a health insurer, housing provider, credit issuer, or other student services provider.

Kirkwood Student Mayghan

“With the help of scholarships, I will have the best chance of being successful here at Kirkwood. It is very reassuring that others are just as invested in my education as I am, and that alone is all the drive I need to succeed.”

Homestead, Iowa


For more information about student loans, contact the Financial Aid Office:

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Regular hours) | Summer hours

Phone: 319-398-7600 or 1-877-386-9101
Fax: 319-398-4928
Email: Financial Aid -

FAFSA School Code: 004076

Location: 3rd Floor Iowa Hall

Mailing Address:

Kirkwood Community College
Financial Aid Office
6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404